t's been said the eye is the window to
the soul, which may explain why the symbolic meaning of eyes tends to be of a
spiritual nature.
In Christianity the Eye of God is depicted hovering
over a tent which is symbolic of the Tabernacle - the temple of the faithful.
The eye here represents the omni-present spirit of God peering into the soul of
the faithful - ever watchful over those who serve.
In Egypt we see the Eye of Horus (a.k.a.
the eye of Ra, and also referred to as a wedjat or a udjat).
In this context the eye is a symbol of protection and life. During his battle
with Set, Horus' eye was ripped out and torn to pieces. Thoth, however, was
able to save the eye and restored it by invoking the magic of the falcon.
It's interesting that in Egypt and
Western occult traditions the left eye is considered a lunar trait and
a symbol of northern direction. The right eye is a solar symbol and
represents southern direction.
The "third eye" is referred
to as the spiritual eye, the intuitive eye, or the eye of the soul. It is
associated with the brow chakra (or Ajna chakra) which facilitates intuition and extra sensory
perception. The third eye is depicted on the forehead of Shiva, and is symbolic
of the inner eye that sees all things within a cosmic perspective.
In Dreaming the
meaning of eyes indicates an opening into a new dimension. This is symbolic of
yourvision clearing and
focusing in on a new direction. It may also indicate your ability to see past
what is common and spiritually arrive to the point where your inner vision
perceives all things in their divine glory - even the simplest of things become
imbued with an exquisite quality inherent in all nature.
The symbolic meaning of eyes also carry
a message of prophesy - literally seeing "a vision of
the future." This translates well with ancient alchemists and
astrologers speaking of eyes of the sky foretelling certain events as they chart the stars in certain
patterns to ascertain various outcomes.
A quick list of attributes on the
symbolic meaning of eyes:
Many ancient esoteric as well as
earth-based philosophies consider the eye as a channel or a passageway into a new dimension. Here the eye is
not a physical symbol but rather a ethereal one in which consciousness may enter into a gateway of infinite expanse.
This journey is traversed through the pitch-black channel of being-ness
(represented by the black of the pupil). Once the threshold is crossed, one is
said to obtain higher knowledge - a glimpse of heightened epiphany - comparable
to enlightenment.
These perspectives combined with the
actual shape of an eye reminds me of the numerical symbolism of zero.
Ultimately the symbolic meaning of the
eye is
what you make of it. Contemplate its meaning in relation to
your own perspective and life situation. If eyes keep reoccurring to you
(visions, dreams, random images throughout the day) it is certainly a message -
it's your responsibility now to interpret that message as it relates to your
personal experience.
Meditate upon this phenomenon. Spend
time with it. Answers
will come when
you are patient and still enough to receive them.
The Eye of Horus. MAKNA:
Dewa dari surga, diwakili oleh
elang pemburu, Horus adalah salah satu dewa yang paling penting dalam mitologi
Mesir. Dan matanya akhirnya akan mewujudkan salah satu jimat yang paling kuat,
terkait dengan pemulihan, kesehatan, dan perlindungan.
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